Thursday, 15 May 2008

Slowed down a little by a cold, but not daunted by incomplete UWDC applications or mind changes. No Hyson Green market yesterday - I felt too groggy, but will, barring a downpour, try Bulwell tomorrow. At least I am yet more conversant with energy and other rules now.

It was good to hear from Olly - hopefully he will pass by over the w/e en route to Catterick. Friday's choir practice and its parade of potential Assistant Organists was most interesting. Whoever is chosen should provide us all with a great musical education.

Saturday's milonga should be a test of how many, if any, of the recent moves have been sufficiently internalised for me to feel sufficiently confident of deploying. Looking at last week's blog, one or two things have been achieved. Daniel has been revised - the garden is a little tidier and some seeds have been planted. The plan for 'Jesus' is being delivered.

By the time of my next blog (next week?), I shall have revised the Jesus chapter and be grappling with 'Astrology' - my accounts will be up to date, my tax return for 07/08 complete and there will be at least two new signed up customers.

Should report too on dancing - back to salsa after the cold and Saturday's milonga.

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