Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Another New Beginning.

Too much to say for Facebook Posts. Hence a Blog Revival.

I hope that this gets read, or at least a similar message gets passed, via whatsoever source, to our political leaders.

I have discovered that there is one advantage I have gained from my immersion, in childhood, in a destructive mind control cult. I have a greater understanding than many, of the Muslim mindset. And this 'many' includes too many politicians who have seen fit to pronounce on Islam.

In Christendom and Jewry it seems that it is only the extreme and fringe movements which detest society at large and feel themselves above it. Mainstream Islam, however, manifests so many of the ugly features of, amongst others, the Jehovah's Witnesses, that misery making institution that cast a black cloud of imminent doom over my early years.

To what ugly features do I refer?  Misogyny, homophobia and shunning of apostates spring immediately to mind. There is also the overarching assumption that humanity is irredeemably corrupt, that a divine judgemental purge is required and is indeed imminent. The Law of God, to which Muslims, like Jehovah's Witnesses, are ultimately subject, transcends any man made laws. These latter will only be obeyed in the spirit of a temporary compromise until such time as the divinely ordained absolute theocracy is established. 

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