Thursday, 6 December 2007

A full week and still Josephus and Shweitzer are not yet completed. So many pages; so many words per page and such intensity of thought, characters and action. At least I know I was not the only person mystified by Jesus' constant references to himself as 'The Son of Man'. Discussions about its meaning have occupied theologians' minds for centuries. It is hardly surprising that Chrstians come in such an array of types.

I actually enjoy practising the electric guitar now. My Christmas sonnet is written and the first copy has been distributed. Here it is again:

Christmas Sonnet 2007

O little town pressed up against a wall,
Behind graffitoed slabs the people pine.
Ent’ring Jerus’lem’s no triumph at all,
The checkpoint’s set in steel, a conqu’ror’s sign.
How did Israel’s children reach this pass,
Leaving Ishmael’s family with the dross?
E’en ‘tis clear to one of Hebrew class,
His Kingdom’s come not yet, despite the Cross.
Established from a stable, stable times?
Magi, starstruck, mesmerized, foretold.
The Two State notion’s bovine, asinine;
O Shepherds, shepherd all into one fold.
Were Abram’s people governed side by side
Nativity might meet with Christmastide.

Rowland Nelken 4 December 2007

Business Cards are printed and distribution has begun. Disconsolate looking checkout people are a prime target for potential distributors. I shall go to Calverton Car Boot on Sunday if it's dry. So glad I did not stay in last night to nurse my disappearing cold and feel sorry for myself. Dancing at the Approach was the usual lovely experience. I have booked to go to the Devon Tango Mango in February. That creates a great incentive to gather some customers before then.

The weekend approaches. There is choir practice; Marek and Sabina are coming to supper on Saturday and there's a milonga at Belvoir Castle on Sunday. Hooray.

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